RUNDA individual company registered in the trade directory under number 914.07080000018, located at 493 rue de lannoy-59100 Roubaix (if after "Operator") publisher and operator of the site (hereinafter "the site"), has established these general conditions of sale and use (hereinafter the “CGV-CGU), governing access and use of the site.

It also sets the conditions and terms under which the Operator agrees to provide the products (hereinafter the “products”) presented on the site.

The products offered on the site are reserved for individuals and not intended for professional use.

Articles 1: Acceptance of the CGV-CGU

Before any use or purchase of products on the site, you acknowledge having read these CGV-CGU and you accept them without restriction or reservation.

Declare that you are legally capable of entering into a contract.

These General Terms and Conditions also apply to all variations or extensions of the site on social or community networks, or applications, existing or future.

We advise you to download and/or print them so that you can keep them and refer to them in the future.

Article 2: Access to the site

To access the site, you must have terminal equipment connected to the internet, you must bear all costs relating to your digital environment (computer hardware, software and internet connection), in particular internet connection costs.

The Operator may refuse access to the site to any person who does not comply with these General Terms and Conditions.

Article 3: The products

The essential characteristics of the products offered are presented on the site.

You acknowledge having read this information prior to any order.

Article 4: Orders

Orders are placed online via the site.

To place an order, you must select the desired products to add them to the basket.

You must then validate the details of your basket, the total price, or correct any errors, and indicate your billing and delivery address, as well as your payment details.

You definitively confirm your order by clicking on the payment button. This confirmation constitutes an electronic signature on your part, equivalent to a handwritten signature, and firm and definitive acceptance of the sale.

Once payment has been accepted, the order is validated as quickly as possible by sending an acknowledgment of receipt by email to the address you have chosen.

The products are offered while stocks last. If unavailable, an equivalent product may be offered to you. If you refuse, the order will be canceled and fully refunded.

The operator reserves the right to order products in abnormal quantities.

Article 5: Delivery

The products are supplied to the following areas: European Union, Asia, North and South America and Africa.

Delivery is made to the address you indicated, within the time specified when ordering. The delivery time varies depending on the delivery method chosen.

You are required to personally receive the products, or to appoint a third party for this purpose.

Delivery of the product is ensured by the carrier designated by the Operator. It is achieved by handing over physical possession or control of the product to you, or to the designated third party.

You are responsible for checking the condition of the product upon receipt. In the event of an anomaly (incomplete order, damaged, torn or opened packaging, etc.), you must refuse delivery, stating your reservations on the delivery note and informing the carrier of the defects noted. You can also inform the Operator using the contact details indicated below.

The Operator cannot be held responsible for the delay or inability to deliver an order due to an error on your part in providing your contact details. In this case, the Operator reserves the right to suspend delivery until the problem is resolved.

Article 6: Financial Conditions.

1-The price

Prices are quoted in euros all taxes included. They take into account the VAT in force when ordering.

The Operator reserves the right to modify them at any time. The price applied is that in effect at the time of confirmation of the order.

Any Product delivery costs are applied in addition. Their amount is applied at the time of order confirmation.

Exceptionally, in the event of an erroneous indication of a price that is clearly insignificant compared to the actual value of the item, the order may be canceled.

The Products remain the property of the Operator until the price has been fully paid.


Payment is made in cash, by credit card via a secure system or in the following way: PayPal.

Your payment method is debited when ordering.

Any refusal of payment or partial payment results in the automatic cancellation of the order, of which you will be informed by email.

The Operator also reserves the right to refuse any order in the event that you have not fully or partially paid for a previous order or in the event that a dispute is in progress.

The data recorded by the Operator constitutes proof of transactions concluded on the Site.

Article 7: Right of withdrawal.

1-Legal right of withdrawal

The consumer customer has a legal right of withdrawal provided for by article L221-18 of the Consumer Code.

You can exercise your right, without having to give reasons for your decision, within 48 hours of receipt of the Products by you or the third party, other than the carrier, that you have designated.

In the case of an order for several Products delivered separately or in the case of an order for Products made up of batches or multiple pieces whose delivery is spread over a defined period, the period runs from receipt of the last Product or lot or the last piece.

To exercise your right, you must inform the Operator of your decision to withdraw by sending, before the expiry of the allotted period, a request for withdrawal or any other declaration, unambiguous, expressing your wish. to withdraw, at the following address:

You must return or return the Products to the Operator, without undue delay and, at the latest, within 14 days following communication of your decision to withdraw.

The cost of returning the Products is your responsibility.

You may be held liable in the event of depreciation of the Products resulting from handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics, and proper functioning of these Products.

An exchange (while stocks last) or a credit will be offered to you, no refunds are accepted.

The Operator will reimburse you for all amounts paid in the form of a credit valid for 1 year, without undue delay and at the latest within 14 days from the date on which it is informed of your decision to withdraw.

The Operator may defer a refund in the form of a credit until recovery of the Products or until you have provided proof of shipment of these Products, the date chosen being that of the first of these events.

The Operator is not required to reimburse the additional costs of the delivery method chosen when ordering.

2-Exception to the Right of withdrawal

In accordance with article L221-28 of the Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised in the following cases:

-The supply of goods made to your specifications or clearly personalized.

-The supply of goods that you have unsealed after delivery and which cannot be returned for reasons of hygiene or health protection.

Article 8: Guarantees .

The Operator is bound by the legal guarantee of conformity for the goods under the conditions of article L217-3 et seq. of the Consumer Code, as well as the guarantee relating to hidden defects in accordance with the provisions of articles 1641 to 1649 of the code Civil.

The consumer has a period of two years from delivery of the goods to obtain the implementation of the legal guarantee of conformity in the event of the appearance of a lack of conformity. During this period, the consumer is only required to establish the existence of the lack of conformity and not the date of its appearance.

The legal guarantee of conformity entails an obligation for the professional, where applicable, to provide all updates necessary to maintain the conformity of the property.

The legal guarantee of conformity gives the consumer the right to replacement of the goods within thirty days of their request, free of charge and without major inconvenience for them.

In the event of replacement, the legal guarantee of conformity is renewed for a period of two years from the date of replacement of the good.

The consumer does not have the right to cancel the sale if the lack of conformity is minor.

The rights mentioned above result from the application of articles L217-1 to L217-32 of the Consumer Code.

Article 9: Availability .

The Operator strives to ensure access to the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the event of force majeure or an event beyond its control, without guaranteeing any results or minimum level of quality regarding its availability. .

The Operator may at any time and without notice suspend or limit access to the site, in order to carry out its maintenance, update, modify its content, or other action necessary for its proper functioning .

Article 10: Hypertext Links .

The site may contain hypertext links to other websites or external sources.

The Operator assumes no responsibility for the information, advertising, products, services, or any other content available on these sites or external sources.

Article 11: Personal data .

As part of its activities, the Operator undertakes to implement processing of the personal data of users of its services that respects their privacy and complies with current French and European legislation.

More information on the processing of your data is available at this address:é-client.

You acknowledge having read prior to any use of the Site.

Article 12: Cookies .

The Operator uses cookies and other trackers whose sole purpose is to enable or facilitate electronic communication or are strictly necessary for the proper functioning of the Site.

You to change your browser settings to block or delete cookies. Blocking cookies may impair the proper functioning of the Site.

More information on how they work and the procedure to follow to manage cookies is available at this address:

Article 13: Forces Majeure .

The Operator cannot be held responsible for a delay or failure to fulfill its obligations caused by a case of force majeure, in the sense usually used by the French courts.

Article 14: Modifications.

The Operator reserves the right to modify, at any time and without notice, these General Terms and Conditions, in particular to adapt to changes to the Site by the provision of new functionalities or the deletion or modification of functionalities existing.

Article 15: Partial Nullity.

If one or more stipulations of these CGV-CGU were to be declared void by the application of the law, a regulation or a legal decision of a French jurisdiction, the other stipulations will retain their full force and scope.

Article 16: Complaint.

For any complaints, you can contact the Operator at the following contact details: Runda.clo@gmail.Com

Article 17: Applicable Law-Disputes.

This contract is exclusively subject to French law. In the event of a dispute, the French courts will have sole jurisdiction.